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Tag Archives: skin care tips
Winter Skin Care Tips
Published on November 5, 2016 by P.C. M.D. David A. Hecht
Most people know that skin care products and regimens vary based on skin type, but did you know that seasonal changes can also dictate changes in skin care routines? To make great skin care even more complicated, region affects skin Read More…
Skin Care Tips from the Aesthetician
Published on April 1, 2015 by P.C. M.D. David A. HechtDNA Repair Enzymes We all have experienced a sun burn in our day just to end up seeing the damaging effects it had done to our skin later. What if there was a product that when applied to sun-damaged skin Read More…
Diane’s Skin Care Tips: Winter Skin Care Dos and Don’ts
Published on December 1, 2014 by P.C. M.D. David A. Hecht
As the temperature drops and we turn the heat on indoors, our skin starts to dry out. Although the cold gives us the glowing ‘rosy’ cheeks…it also brings uncomfortable dryness to our face, hands and feet. DO Environmentally stressed skin Read More…